Securing evaluation objectivity
In any competitive sport and activity it is important to maintain the integrity of the judges, so that each participant gets a fair and independent evaluation of their performance.

The massage competition community is very small, and many of the active people know each other well. They fill many parallel roles, changing between being organizers, teachers, coaches, judges and/or participants in various competitions.

Many are also close friends – both in social media and “live”. This is a serious challenge for the objectivity of the judges.
In more established sports, there is no contact between participants, judges and organizers. They operate in different spheres, and are unbiased towards each other.

With this in mind, IWMC has implemented the following procedure to maintain the highest possible quality and integrity of our evaluation system.
Judges must
strictly use our evaluation system and only give objective and consistent scores of each performance.
Judges are under full
confidentiality regulations. They shall not share any information about their work for IWMC with anyone, and they shall not communicate or cooperate with other judges.
Judges shall not
communicate or cooperate with other judges.
The IWMC management
will collect and quality check the scores from the judges and produce the result lists. The decisions are final and may not be appealed.
IWMC will not share
any information about who is, or who isn’t, judging in a particular competition or category.
IWMC will not share
any information about the individual scores of any participants. The scores are produced for internal use only, and have no meaning to others.
IWMC will publish
the names of the medal winners, the overall/money winners and the winners of special awards. The order of the other participants will not be published.
IWMC does not offer
feedback or comments on the performances, other than what is published via our media channels.
Classic Health Massage Championship
$20 / person
Anti-cellulite Massage Championship
$20 / person
Both Nominations Championship
$40 / person
The following are some, but not all, of the judges who possess credentials, levels of expertise, education, and experience corresponding to the championship regulations.

They are examples of people who may, or may not, be used in a particular competition or category.
  • Irina Bastyreva
    The creator of Iriniti Studio, a leading Aesthetician and massage specialist.

    An expert in manual massage techniques, LPG Endermologie, body wraps, kinesio taping.
  • Mikhail Katyshev
    Central Asia Champion in Medical Massage, Member and Senior Instructor of the Israeli Massage Association, Founder of a Sports Massage Studio and creator.
  • Anna Efrat Inkovsky
    Sports Rehabilitation therapist, owner of a Tel Aviv sports injury rehab clinic, author of a unique injury rehabilitation technique, Senior Member of the israeli massage Association.
  • Alex Presman
    Practicing massage therapist,
    author of massage techniques,
    spa technologist,
    massage teacher in Israel, Ukraine, Russia, Cuba, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
    Judge of online and offline massage championships (Ukraine, Singapore, Mexico, Kazakhstan)
    Member of the National Federation of Massage Therapists
    Expert Abilympics - competitions for massage therapists with disabilities and now also an IMA teacher (international massage association)
  • Olga Prutik
    Radiology diagnostic physician and body-oriented psychotherapist. 15 years of experience as a massage therapist and kinesiologist. International judge of massage Championship for WMF (World Massage Federation). A practicing teacher and the founder of the Body Therapy School.