IMPORTANT: Since each video can be a maximum of 15 minutes, you don’t need to perform your treatment on both sides (right/left) of the body! It is much better to move on to other body parts and show your skills with a larger variety of techniques and positions.

Practice your performance program many times before you record and upload your video. Remove all obstacles and disturbances from your workspace, and make it beautiful. Make sure you and your client look good too! Choose nice background music to make the viewer’s experience more comfortable and interesting.

REMEMBER: This is a video performance – not a clinic treatment. You must do your best to entertain and impress the judges with your personal style of massage, your design skills and your special care for the client.


  • The video must be recorded in landscape orientation.
Landscape orientation.
  • Video length: 10-15 minutes including 1-2 minutes self-presentation. Longer videos will be disqualified!
  • The entire performance must be filmed continuously, with one or several cameras. Edits must not disrupt the timeline of the performance.
  • No filters, fancy transitions or other image manipulations are allowed.
  • The camera(s) should stand still on a tripod (or similar) for most of the performance.
  • The entire massage table, the client and the therapist must be shown in the picture for most of the performance.
  • Close-ups and moving cameras should be used sparingly, and only to help the judges to see important details more clearly.
  • The main light source should be on the same side of the table as the camera so we don’t get blinded by the light.
  • Don’t place yourself between the client and the camera! Always show your front or your side to the camera.


The first 1-2 minutes of every competition video must be a presentation of yourself.

You must either speak english or add subtitles in english to the video, so that all judges will understand you clearly.

This must also be recorded in landscape orientation.
Landscape orientation.
NOTE: No music during the presentation!

Look straight into the camera and tell us:

  1. Your name.
  2. The country you represent.
  3. The competition category for this video.
  4. Why do you like to work with Massage Therapy?
  5. Why do you compete in The Massage World Cup?


You can make beautiful videos with a single camera, and sometimes the simplicity is impressive in its own right.

NOTE: If you use a single camera, you should put extra effort into making your scene as attractive as possible. Clean up the background, place good light sources behind and to the sides of the camera, and set the camera above the scene at a nice diagonal angle.